Vishuddah (meaning purification), or Throat Chakra, is the Chakra connected with communication.
Associated with the element of Space and Sound, this Energy Center controls your connection to your voice, speaking your truth, singing, hearing and being heard.
If your Throat Chakra is blocked, it can cause misunderstandings and hesitation in expressing emotion. You may also experience the following:
• Lack of self-expression and creativity
• Self-isolation
• Guilt
• Physical and mental signs of a blocked Throat Chakra may include:
• Inability to express yourself
• Inability to set clear boundaries
• Excessive talking/inability to listen
• Engaging in gossip
• Interrupting others
• Social anxiety
• Raspy throat
• Suppressing thoughts and emotions
• Dental issues
• Thyroid problems
• Headaches
When you activate your Throat Chakra, and it is working effectively, you:
• Are able to listen to the guidance of pure energy
• Are able to understand others deeply, and effectively
• Speak your truth
To activate, unblock and balance your 5th Chakra, connect with Space and Sound by spending time humming and focusing on rhythmic breathing. Dhyana (meaning "contemplation") Mudra is holding your palms up and bringing then together so one lays on top of the other the length of your fingers while the two thumbs are lightly pressed together in an "O" formation as pictured below:
Use Blue Kyanite during meditation to help draw the energy from the power of the Æther.
The Mantra for Vishuddah is HAM
Use these following affirmations:
“I communicate confidently and with ease”
“I feel comfortable speaking my mind”
“I am balanced in speaking and listening”
“I am an active listener”
“I speak my true thoughts with clarity”
“I set clear boundaries”
“I hear and speak the truth”
“I communicate with respect and courage”
“My voice is necessary”
“I feel free to express my creativity”
Color: Blue (reflective of its connection to truth, clarity, sound and responsibility)
Day: Wednesday
Stone: Blue Kyanite
Oil: Blue Chamomile and Frankincense
Don’t forget to practice Honesty and Respect