Spiritual Counseling & Divination
Spiritual Counseling meets the metaphysical and emotional needs of each individual within the disciplines of psychology but also within the confines of metaphysics. As the universe evolves, people are wanting deeper answers than psychology can answer, including deeper explanations for suffering, pain and death. In this regard, the metaphysical sciences can supply answers to the existential questions of humanity.
Spiritual Counselors can provide a professional service that accepts metaphysical realities and utilizes these realities in a confidential counseling setting.
The role of a Spiritual Counselor is to help the client to understand their own spirituality and to promote peace, healing and union with their Spiritual Guides. One way to achieve this is through the use of Divination.
Divination is the art or practice of using foresight to discover hidden knowledge, usually aided by the interpretation of divination tools, omens, or dreams via metaphysical or spiritual means.
One common example of Divination through the use of tools is the Tarot System. Invented in Italy in the 1430’s, the Tarot system utilizes a distinctive deck of cards containing symbolism that make up the framework of our consciousness. It is divided in two sections - The Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana is a collection of 22 cards that unveil the fundamental archetypes of human existence. The Major Arcana guides us through the stages of growth, transformation and self-discovery, as well as the triumphs and challenges those stages entail. They represent significant life events or the bigger picture of the situation you are facing. They offer universal truths and call on us to explore the cosmic influences that shape our paths and discover deeper insights into the mysteries of the universe.
The Minor Arcana contains 56 Tarot cards and symbolizes the intricacies of daily life. These cards can show events and steps that lead us to that bigger picture. There are four suits that delve into the details of our emotions (cups), intellect (swords), spirit (wands), and practicality (pentacles). Each suit represents essential elementals of life from matters of the heart, our thought processes and patterns, the actions we take, and material matters. They guide us through the nuances of our interactions, the obstacles we may encounter, and the steps we need to take to achieve personal growth.
Another system is the use of Oracle. Oracle cards hold a bigger energy and give an insight into a greater sense of what is going on. While Tarot cards are a bit more detailed, like pages to a book, Oracle cards are like the whole chapter. A wider section of the story. They can be used in tandem, and often are.
There are other systems of Divination, including Astrology, Numerology, Tasseomancy (tea leaves), Spirit Boards (better known as Ouija), Astragalomancy (dice throwing), Scrying, Dowsing Rods, etc.
However, for my purposes, I use the Tarot System, Reiki, and Ovomancy for ritual cleansing and healing.